
Thursday, September 26, 2019

udiMagic v10 Release 2.3

TEMPLATE Modifications 

1. Vouchers-V10-Financial-Transactions-Single-line-entry-Basic.xls

Column I  - PARENT DR. LEDGER (Specify the Parent Group name for Debit Ledger)
Column K - PARENT CR. LEDGER (Specify the Parent Group name for Credit Ledger)

a. These newly added columns are optional.
b. However, for Bank entries you must specify the Parent Group Name as "Bank Accounts" for the Bank entries to be reflected in Bank Reconciliation Statement.

2. Vouchers-V10-Financial-Transactions-Single-line-entry-Advanced.xls

For Bank entries you must specify the Parent Group Name as "Bank Accounts" for the bank entries to get reflected in Bank Reconciliation Statement.

3. Vouchers-V10-Horizontal-Sales-Without-Stockitems.xls

Old Formula in Column AC

New ARRAY Formula in Column AC (Press Ctrl + Shift + Enter for Array Formula)

In the Column AC, we have now used Array Formula instead of simple Sum() function. This is because we need to Round off the values to 2 decimals before adding them using the Sum() function.

What are Array Formulas?
Array formulas are powerful formulas that enable you to perform complex calculations that often can’t be done with standard worksheet functions. They are also referred to as "Ctrl-Shift-Enter" formulas, because you need to press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to enter them.

4. Vouchers-V10-Horizontal-Purchase-Without-Stockitems.xls

Array Formula used in Column AC as mentioned in the previous point

The following fixes / corrections have been done in udiMagic v10 Release 2.3

Invalid key
The aforesaid error appears when we copy/paste the udiMagic Serial Number while activating the license. This problem has been now resolved. In the older versions, users can use "Right-click and then Paste" functionality to paste the Serial Number. 

XML Parse error
The aforesaid error is displayed when udiMagic Software is started and then the software hangs. This problem has been now resolved.

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