
Monday, November 17, 2008

No Company is Open in Tally

FAQ's - Excel to Tally

I am using UDI-Magic to import data into Tally. Even though I have started Tally and opened one Company, UDI-Magic still shows error message "No company is opened in Tally". How do I solve this problem ?

Temporary Solution

Those who are using UDI-Magic Demo for evaluation purpose, are requested to follow these steps :-

1) Close the Tally Software.
2) Next, press Ctrl+Alt+Del.
3) Next select "Task Manager"
4) Next, search for Tally9.exe (or Tally72.exe under processes-tab) and click on the End-Process button to close it.
5) Next, search for TallyLicServer.exe (under processes-tab) and click on the End-Process button to close it.
6) Next, start Tally Software and open your Company.
7) Run UDI-Magic and try importing data in Tally Software.

Re-start the Computer afterwards so that workstations can access the Tally-license Server which we had terminated manually.

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